The Machines A-Z
All about the consoles and computers that power our gaming dreams, sorted from A to Z.
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Microsoft XBox
If anyone could break into the video game market, now so totally sewn up by Sony, it was Microsoft. More...
Nintendo 64
This was meant to be the Playstation killer, it never managed it but it posed the greatest threat to Sony until the Wii. More...
Nintendo Entertainment System
Nintendo's first home console and the best selling games machine of it's time, the NES brought the games industry back from the brink following the 1983 crash. More...
Nintendo Gameboy
Nintendo's Gameboy is grandaddy of the handheld console world and in its original, Pocket and Color versions has sold more than any other console, handheld or not. More...
Nintendo Gameboy Advance
A fantastic upgrade for the aging Gameboy and with the SNES at its heart, how could it loose? More...
Nintendo Gamecube
Great graphics and that usual Nintendo magic but by the sixth generation we were all beginning to wonder when we'd get some real innovation. More...
Not much of a games machine at first but the old IBM compatible has flourished into the most advanced games machine money can buy. More...
Sega Dreamcast
Undoubtedly the most under-rated and console of them all. More...
Sega Genesis/Megadrive
"Genesis Does What Nintendon't" boasted Sega's ad campaign, and at its release in the summer of '89, it did. More...
Sega Master System
In the summer of '86 the Sega Master System or SMS was released into the path of the steamroller that was the Nintendo Entertainment System. More...
Showing 11 - 20 of 26 Articles | Page 2 of 3