Game-Star Heroes A-Z
Our collection of the greatest games of all time sorted A-Z.
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Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
This remains one of the largest, most ambitious games ever produced and it is all packed into one cartridge. No, not a disc: a cartridge. Even in these terms, the game is astonishing. More...
Let's not beat around the bush. Lemmings is one of the most evil things ever created. In conjunction with its sadistic, demonic nature, it also happens to be one of the most ingenious video games yet to appear. More...
What makes LOOM so different is the form of its puzzles. There are no objects instead or inventory, instead there are spells which you cast by playing the right combination of notes on your musical staff. More...
Manic Miner
It's easy to forget how important Manic Miner is but if you mention the ZX Spectrum to anyone under 40 in the UK the chances are they'll say either Manic Miner or its sequel Jet Set Willy. The reason for this is simple; we'd never seen anything like this before. More...
Mega Man 3
Mega Man is a platform shooter with a twist; when Mega Man defeats his enemies he gains their powers. With this in mind you are sent out to defeat a collection of Master crooks each with a special power and an appropriate name to go with it e.g Spark Man, Snake Man, Needle Man. More...
Mercenary III: The Dion Crisis
The Mercenary series come to a peak with this brilliant adventure. Massive in it's scope Mercenary 3 sees you, indestructible as ever, exploring entire planets by bus, taxi and interplanetary shuttle with the purpose of bringing down the evil PC BIL. More...
Metal Slug: Super Vehicle
Aggressive, highly animated blonde, GSOH seeks player for exotic action and carnage. More...
Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament '96
Not just a fast and furiously challenging one player racer, not just a hilarious party game (with up to 8 players at once!), Micro Machines is a blue print for everything video games should be about. This is a game that requires skill, practice and represents a serious challenge, but it's also great fun and incredibly silly. More...
This little known ball rolling platformer is a real gem. More...
Missile Command
Do you remember the time when we all lived in fear of nuclear annihilation? The scariness of those days when a senile idiot had his finger poised on the 'button'? Do you remember the 'button'? If you do, then you'll probably remember Missile Command. More...
Showing 41 - 50 of 94 Articles | Page 5 of 10