Stunt Car Racer
Micro Style - 1989
Generation: 4
Machine: Commodore Amiga, and many others
Genre: Driving
Stunt Car Racer changed the way I thought about games, it made me want to practise; it made me want to improve. Not to get to the next level you understand, all the levels are open from the start, I wanted to improve like a sportsman wants to improve. "If I can just take that corner a little faster..." I'd never been like that about a game before and rarely since.
If that all sounds a bit serious, yes it is but as a rule I hate serious games so why is Stunt Car Racer such winner? Because it's nuts, you only have to look at the tracks to see that; the High Jump is a one massive jump with a tiny platform right in the middle that you have to bounce off to make the jump, the Drawbridge has a drawbridge jump that goes up and down while you're driving over it. Just like the best comedy is played totally straight, Stunt Car Racer gives you crazy stunt fun in a totally straight, simulator style. It’s this mix is what makes this my favourite drving game of all time.
Jakey 07 Sep '02
WinUAE - You'll find the game disk image at one of the online Amiga communities. Don't bother with the PC version.
Stunt Car Racer TNT - TNT stands for The New Tracks, here you can dowload a patch for the Amiga version giving eight new tracks
Wikipedia's Stunt Car Racer page - Lots of great information.
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