Acorn Archimedes
Generation: 4
Processors: ARM 2 32 bit RISC
RAM: 512k to 4mb
Graphics Resolution: up to 800×600
Colours: 256
Sound: 8 voices
Media Format: Floppy and hard disks
Control and Input Methods: Keyboard, mouse, joystick
The Acorn Archimedes was Acorn's replacement for the BBC Micro which had reached the end of its life. Early models were branded BBC Archimedes and displayed the beautiful owl badge. Proving that Britain could still be at the forefront of computer technology, Acorn developed the ARM reduced instruction set computer (RISC) for the Archimedes. The chip is still being developed and used today in cutting edge low-drain mobile devices including the Gameboy Advance. We’ll always remember the it however, for letting us play Lemmings at school! Unfortunately it's price put it above the other 16-bit computers and straight into the path of the almighty PC.
Red Squirrel - A great emulator that covers all of Acorn's RISC PC models.
Wocki's Acorn Emulation Site - Much information about Archimedes emulation.
Big Al's Archi Page - A great site for Archimedes disk images.