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LIVES: LifeLife

Retro animated character

Generation 4

The height of the console wars and a golden age for gaming. 16-bits made for the ultimate 2D gaming experience.

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Chase H.Q.Chase H.Q.

Chase 'em down and ram 'em off the road, good wholesome Taito fun. More...

Chrono TriggerChrono Trigger

Beyond epic in scope yet with incredible attention to detail and special little touches that make you squeal with delight, Chrono Trigger is very special indeed. More...

Gunstar HeroesGunstar Heroes

With this game treasure revolutionised the character shooter. They took everything that Turrican had taught us about power-ups and platforms, they added fantastic smooth graphics and well designed characters and then somehow managed to put more sprites on screen at once than was ever thought possible. More...

Harvest MoonHarvest Moon

Ah! This is the life; a small-holding in the county with crops to tend and animals to look after. No, I'm not talking about River Cottage, I'm talking about a video game. It's on the Gameboy too so you can even play it in the countryside.  More...

Legend of Zelda: Link's AwakeningLegend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

An immense adventure on a tiny cartridge, the Gameboy's Zelda instalment is just as good as its big console cousins. Arguably the perfect format for the top-down Zelda series. More...


Let's not beat around the bush. Lemmings is one of the most evil things ever created. In conjunction with its sadistic, demonic nature, it also happens to be one of the most ingenious video games yet to appear. More...


What makes LOOM so different is the form of its puzzles. There are no objects instead or inventory, instead there are spells which you cast by playing the right combination of notes on your musical staff. More...

Mercenary III: The Dion CrisisMercenary III: The Dion Crisis

The Mercenary series come to a peak with this brilliant adventure. Massive in it's scope Mercenary 3 sees you, indestructible as ever, exploring entire planets by bus, taxi and interplanetary shuttle with the purpose of bringing down the evil PC BIL. More...

Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament '96Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament '96

Not just a fast and furiously challenging one player racer, not just a hilarious party game (with up to 8 players at once!), Micro Machines is a blue print for everything video games should be about. This is a game that requires skill, practice and represents a serious challenge, but it's also great fun and incredibly silly. More...


One of the all-time phenomenons of video games, this game ensured that the Gameboy became the greatest selling console of all time. No one was immune from the hype, the trading card games, the merchandise and the (fantastic) cartoon series... The biggest surprise of all was that the video game from which this all originated was simply genius. More...

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