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A great adventure will take you deep into another world. You can loose yourself in an adventure and find yourself not even bothering with the game but just wondering around site-seeing. The very best adventures, like those here, will let you do this but the power of the story will draw you on until the game is finished.

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Chrono TriggerChrono Trigger

Beyond epic in scope yet with incredible attention to detail and special little touches that make you squeal with delight, Chrono Trigger is very special indeed. More...

Grim FandangoGrim Fandango

The last in a long line of great Lucas Arts adventures, Grim Fandango merges the conventions of cinema and games with incredible and unmatched results. More...

Legend of Zelda: Link's AwakeningLegend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

An immense adventure on a tiny cartridge, the Gameboy's Zelda instalment is just as good as its big console cousins. Arguably the perfect format for the top-down Zelda series. More...

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of TimeLegend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

This remains one of the largest, most ambitious games ever produced and it is all packed into one cartridge. No, not a disc: a cartridge. Even in these terms, the game is astonishing. More...


What makes LOOM so different is the form of its puzzles. There are no objects instead or inventory, instead there are spells which you cast by playing the right combination of notes on your musical staff. More...

Mercenary III: The Dion CrisisMercenary III: The Dion Crisis

The Mercenary series come to a peak with this brilliant adventure. Massive in it's scope Mercenary 3 sees you, indestructible as ever, exploring entire planets by bus, taxi and interplanetary shuttle with the purpose of bringing down the evil PC BIL. More...


Based on a combination of Japanese myths, ?kami puts you in control of a wolf that must rid his world of the life sucking curse of a many-headed demon. With spectacular cell-shaded graphics evoking the culture and period of the game, ?kami is an unforgettable visual treat. More...


One of the all-time phenomenons of video games, this game ensured that the Gameboy became the greatest selling console of all time. No one was immune from the hype, the trading card games, the merchandise and the (fantastic) cartoon series... The biggest surprise of all was that the video game from which this all originated was simply genius. More...

Repton 2Repton 2

The dust clearing, monster squashing, meteor avoiding, skull fearing classic from the simple days of the BBC. Despite similarities this game is not a Boulder Dash rip-off, rather it is an evolution of the genre into an adventure as opposed to a straight puzzle game. More...


Where does one start with Shenmue? Should I begin by saying that (at time of writing) Shenmue is the most expensive game ever made at $70,000,000? Perhaps I should start with the epic plot said to span 16 chapters of which Shenmue 1 and 2 only cover the first 4. Maybe the technical achievement of the game with it's unparalleled graphics engine would be the best place to start. No I think I'll start with the weather and the kitten. More...

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